The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10.
By studying mathematics, students develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical concepts and their use within the classroom and beyond.
The syllabus consists of the following strands:
- number and algebra
- measurement and geometry
- statistics and probability.
Stepping Stones Program (K-6)
Waverley Public School has introduced the Stepping Stones program as a school-wide approach to the teaching of mathematics aligned to the NSW Syllabus and Australian Curriculum. Stepping Stones ensures that all curriculum is covered. It makes maths more focused and coherent through sequential, targeted teaching. A range of online and print resources engage our students and foster their thinking and reasoning skills. Our staff can access all online content from all year levels, equipping them with everything they need to accommodate mixed abilities in the classroom.
Maths Olympiad (Years 3-6)
Math Olympiad is offered to students who are ready for a challenge. Students in Years 3 to 6 are engaged in mathematical problems by working backwards, problem-solving and thinking creatively. Students develop different strategies and skills, which are then applied to solve the problem. Math Olympiad allows students to have an enriched experience as they also compete with other students around the country.
Online Mathematics Programs
Mathseeds (Kindergarten)
Mathletics (Years 1-6)
All students from Year 1 to 6 and staff have access to Mathletics, an online mathematical learning resource. Mathletics allows students to log on and complete set tasks designed by their teachers at school and home. Students are also able to compete online with students around the world to consolidate their skills. At Waverley, we use Mathletics for remediation, extension and homework activities.